This kit incorporating a MoTeC M1 ECU is a fully programmable replacement for the factory fitted Mitsubishi Evolution X ECU.
This kit suits GSR models only. It is also compatible with other Mitsubishi Variants with the 4B11 engine.
- Motec M130 ECU
- EVO X firmware
- Patch harness
- Motec LTC
- Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband sensor
- ECU mounting bracket
- Level2 Data logging
Some features of our custom firmware include:
- Cruise control
- Rolling Launch Control
- Direct Keypad Integration
- Analogue Wide-band Input
- CAN Bus Integration for most common EGT boxes
- Water Injection Control
- Bosch ABS M4 & M5 Integration
- Engine Start/Stop Control
- Additional Sensor Input Channels
- Improved CAN Message Outputs
- Improved Gear Estimation Calculations
- In-Built ACD Control
- Full Factory CANBus integration
- Many More!